Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Miratejo: Week 21

Hello everyone!

This week was super great and also super fast! I hope everybody enjoyed Conference weekend. It was AWESOME! I can't believe I've already had 2 conference sessions on my mission. Mom Happy Birthday this Friday! Are you guys going to do something fun? Hope you have a great day! Hey someone tell Grandpa happy birthday from me too and that I hope he has a great day as well!

Well, 7 out of the 8 missionaries here hit our 6 month mark on Thursday. CRAZY! I feel like that went by so fast! I can't believe there are over 80,000 missionaries now. Over a year ago now is when I started my papers and less than a year from now I'll be home. Can't believe it! Time really is flying.

General Conference was awesome! Definitely can't choose a favorite talk because they were all so good. We were really lucky because we had a huge set up in our chapel in Portuguese and then all the missionaries and a few other people who speak English watched it downstairs in English. Even when they translate it perfectly into Portuguese it's just not the same as hearing the real speakers so I was happy! Castro loved it. He took notes the entire time and was talking about how powerful President Monson's testimony was. He came to all five of the sessions! Even the one that went until 11:00 at night here. Bella came too! She is awesome! She wasn't able to stay for the late one but she came to the other 4. They're both so cool!

Oh guess what?! Bella is getting baptized this Saturday!! :) I'm so excited! We marked her for baptism on Tuesday and after I asked I held my breath for a second, but it was like the easiest answer she ever gave. She just was like, "Yes of course!" She is really excited to get baptized. She had a hard time with tithing for a minute, but the talk that Elder Bednar gave was great for her to hear! Also she has smoked for 14 years but when we asked her if she would stop smoking she was completely willing. She's so humble! She said when she was going through chemotherapy she prayed to God that if she could live through it she would live the rest of her life in a church. It wasn't an coincidence that we were lead to her door! Can't wait for Saturday! :)

We had divisions on Wednesday right after Zone Meeting. One of the Sisters is from Brazil and the other is from Texas. They were super amazing missionaries! I went with the American one. It actually opened my eyes to how bad I am at this haha! They were able to connect to every person they talked to in like 5 seconds. Hopefully I can get to that point some day! The Brazilian sister told me her experience of why she decided to go on a mission. She said all of her older siblings went and she NEVER wanted to go. Her older sister only went on a mission so that she could help her little sister to go too. Through her sister's example, letters and testimony she made up her mind to serve a mission too and now she's an amazing missionary! It was a super cool story to me! I love hearing why everyone decided to go.

Oh so on Tuesday we were walking and went to call someone but couldn't find our phone. We figured we must have left it at home. So when we went home later that evening we looked everywhere for it and had the other sisters try calling us too. The phone was off which means either someone stole it and took our card out, it dropped on the ground and the battery popped out, or it fell and the rain fried it haha. (Sister Hickey has butter fingers and it literally dropped a minimum of twice a day haha good thing it was a brick) Either way... it's gone. We lived like the pioneers and weren't able to call anyone for a few days until they sent us a temporary phone, but don't worry we survived!

We were knocking doors a few days ago and a guy selling natural gas starting knocking after us. He asked us a bunch about our religion and we thought he was interested in the church, but turns out he just wanted us to work for him. He offered us a job right there on the spot! Selling natural gas door to door... Tempting... 

Oh the good news is that Sister Mile's mom literally wrote me 6 letters this week. I'm pretty sure that triples the letters I've gotten from my whole family combined my entire mission haha. Don't worry I forgive you. She's super funny though!

So we started making a list of where everyone thinks we're from. Literally people guess every country EXCEPT United States. (Okay we haven't gotten China either) It's actually pretty entertaining and a good conversation starter. This week Romania was the winner... Random!

Okay that's about it. Yes family I'm sorry I know I don't take enough pictures. But hey... I haven't gotten any pictures from home either so you first! :) Anyway, hope everyone has a great week! Don't forget to do what they said in Conference and pray for opportunities to be a missionary!

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